Polish language

How to pronounce stew in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms brood, grizzle
Type of sulk, brood, pout
Type Words
Synonyms fret, lather, sweat, swither
Type of agitation

don't get in a stew.
Type Words
Synonyms grudge
Type of resent
Type Words
Type of cook
Has types jug
Derivation stewing
Type Words
Type of dish
Has types hotchpotch, hotpot, hungarian goulash, irish burgoo, irish stew, lobscouse, lobscuse, lobster stew, mulligan, mulligan stew, olla podrida, oyster stew, pot-au-feu, pottage, purloo, ragout, ratatouille, scouse, slumgullion, spanish burgoo, poilu, beef stew, bigos, brunswick stew, burgoo, chicken purloo, fish stew, fricassee, goulash, gulyas, hot pot