Polish language

How to pronounce steep in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms exorbitant, extortionate, outrageous, unconscionable, usurious
Type Words
Synonyms absorb, engross, engulf, immerse, plunge, soak up
Type of pore, center, centre, concentrate, focus, rivet
Has types drink in, drink
Verb group immerse, plunge
Type Words
Synonyms infuse
Type of soak, imbue
Has types marinate, infuse, draw, decoct, marinade
Verb group infuse
Derivation steeper

steep the blossoms in oil.
steep the fruit in alcohol.
Type Words
Type of declination, decline, declivity, declension, descent, downslope, fall
Type Words
Derivation steepness

the steep attic stairs.
steep cliffs.
Type Words
Derivation steepness

note the steep incline.
a steep roof sheds snow.