Polish language

How to pronounce stagnate in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms idle, laze, slug
Has types waste one's time, arse around, moon around, moon on, ride the bench, warm the bench, arse about, bum, bum about, bum around, daydream, frig around, fuck off, lie about, lie around, loaf, loll, loll around, lounge about, lounge around, moon
Derivation stagnation, stagnancy

The old man sat and stagnated on his porch.
Type Words
Type of change
Derivation stagnancy, stagnant, stagnation

There are marshes that stagnate the waters.
Type Words
Type of be
Derivation stagnancy, stagnant, stagnation

blood stagnates in the capillaries.
Type Words
Type of be
Derivation stagnant, stagnation

Industry will stagnate if we do not stimulate our economy.