Polish language

How to pronounce stage in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms arrange
Type of pioneer, initiate
Has types dogfight, phase, tee up
Derivation stager

the neighboring tribe staged an invasion.
Type Words
Synonyms present, represent
Type of re-create
Has types localise, set, localize, place
Derivation staging, stager

we are going to stage `Othello'.
Type Words
Synonyms degree, level, point
Type of state
Has types living standards, height, standard of life, standard of living, state of the art, summit, superlative, extent, end point, elevation, ladder, plane, pinnacle, quickening, resultant, peak, acme, meridian, tiptop, top, ultimacy, ultimateness, climax

at what stage are the social sciences?.
Type Words
Synonyms phase
Type of time period, period, period of time
Has types phallic phase, phallic stage, phase of cell division, safe period, anal phase, anal stage, apogee, chapter, zygotene, culmination, diakinesis, diplotene, fertile period, fertile phase, generation, genital phase, genital stage, incubation, latency period, latency phase, latency stage, leptotene, seedtime, luteal phase, menstrual phase, secretory phase, musth, oral phase, oral stage, pachytene

we are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected.
Type Words
Synonyms microscope stage
Type of platform
Type Words
Synonyms leg
Type of travelling, travel, traveling
Has types fare-stage

then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise.
Type Words
Synonyms stagecoach
Type of four-in-hand, coach-and-four, coach

we went out of town together by stage about ten or twelve miles.
Type Words
Type of platform
Has types proscenium, setting, theatre stage, theater stage, apron, mise en scene, forestage, offstage, backstage, downstage, stage setting, wing

he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box.
Type Words
Type of scene

All the world's a stage.
it set the stage for peaceful negotiations.
Type Words
Type of dramaturgy, dramatics, theater, theatre, dramatic art
Derivation stagy, stagey

an early movie simply showed a long kiss by two actors of the contemporary stage.