Polish language

How to pronounce spell in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms import
Type of intend, mean

I'm afraid this spells trouble!.
Type Words
Synonyms charm, magic spell, magical spell
Type of spoken communication, spoken language, oral communication, voice communication, speech, language, speech communication
Has types jinx, incantation, hex, curse, conjuration, whammy

he whispered a spell as he moved his hands.
Type Words
Synonyms write
Has types hyphenate, hyphen, spell out
Derivation spelling

He spelled the word wrong in this letter.
Type Words
Synonyms enchantment, trance
Type of mental condition, psychological state, psychological condition, mental state
Has types fascination, possession, captivation
Type Words
Synonyms go, tour, turn
Type of duty period, shift, work shift

a spell of work.
Type Words
Synonyms patch, piece, while
Type of time
Has types hot spell, cold snap, cold spell, snap

a spell of good weather.
Type Words
Synonyms spell out
Type of recite
Has types misspell
Derivation speller, spelling

How do you spell this word?.
We had to spell out our names for the police officer.
Type Words
Type of hex, witch, bewitch, glamour, jinx, enchant
Type Words
Type of take over, relieve

She spelled her husband at the wheel.
Type Words
Type of take turns, alternate

the workers spell every four hours.