Polish language

How to pronounce speaker in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms loudspeaker, loudspeaker system, speaker system, speaker unit
Type of electro-acoustic transducer
Has types loud-hailer, loud hailer, woofer, squawk box, intercom speaker, tannoy, bullhorn, tweeter, squawker, subwoofer
Type Words
Synonyms talker, utterer, verbaliser, verbalizer
Type of articulator
Has types jabberer, lecturer, lisper, magpie, mentioner, motormouth, mumbler, murmurer, mutterer, narrator, native speaker, orator, phoner, prater, prattler, public speaker, querier, alliterator, ranter, raver, reciter, rhetorician, schmoozer, speechifier, speechmaker, spouter, stammerer, stentor, storyteller, stutterer, talking head, telephoner, teller, venter, vociferator, voicer, wailer, whisperer, witness, witnesser, questioner, asker, babbler, caller, caller-up, chatterbox, chatterer, conversationalist, conversationist, dictator, drawler, driveller, ejaculator, enquirer, growler, informant, inquirer
Derivation speak

the speaker at commencement.
Type Words
Type of presiding officer
Derivation speakership