Polish language

How to pronounce signal in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms bespeak, betoken, indicate, point
Type of tell
Has types auspicate, betoken, bode, augur, foretell, mark, omen, portend, predict, prefigure, presage, prognosticate, forecast, foreshadow

The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued.
Type Words
Synonyms sign, signaling
Type of communication
Has types distress call, distress signal, dog-ear, drumbeat, electronic signal, alarm, indicator, input, input signal, number, output, output signal, phone number, radio beacon, radio beam, radiotelegraphic signal, recording, retreat, start, starting signal, storm signal, symbol, telegraphic signal, telephone number, ticktack, time signal, visual signal, warning signal, whistle, whistling, high sign, alarum, alert, all clear, animal communication, beam, bugle call, curfew
Derivation signalize

signals from the boat suddenly stopped.
Type Words
Synonyms sign, signalise, signalize
Type of intercommunicate, communicate
Has types whistle, heliograph, wigwag, flag, semaphore
Derivation signaller, signaler, signaling

The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu.
Type Words
Type of electricity, electrical energy, power
Has types interrupt
Type Words
Type of incitement, provocation, incitation

he awaited the signal to start.
the victory was a signal for wild celebration.
Type Words

the year saw one signal triumph for the Labour party.