Polish language

How to pronounce season in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms time of year
Type of period of time, time period, period
Has types harvest, summertime, springtime, spring, rainy season, haying time, haying, winter, wintertime, harvest time, summer, fall, dry season, autumn

the regular sequence of the seasons.
Type Words
Synonyms moderate, mollify, temper
Type of weaken
Type Words
Synonyms flavor, flavour
Has types spice up, curry, resinate, salt, sauce, spice, savor, zest, savour
Derivation seasoner, seasoning
Type Words
Synonyms harden
Type of toughen

This trip will season even the hardiest traveller.
Type Words
Type of time period, period, period of time
Has types sheepshearing, off-season, peak season, whitsun, preseason, theatrical season, exhibition season, hockey season, holiday season, hunting season, fishing season, seedtime, social season, football season, growing season, baseball season, basketball season, whitweek, whitsuntide, high season

he celebrated his 10th season with the ballet company.
she always looked forward to the avocado season.
Type Words
Type of period of time, period, time period
Has types shrovetide, christmas, christmastide, christmastime, allhallowtide, advent, eastertide, yuletide, yule, lammastide, lent, lententide, michaelmastide, noel, twelfthtide

it was the Christmas season.