Polish language

How to pronounce scrutiny in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms examination
Type of investigating, investigation
Has types comparison, endoscopy, fine-tooth comb, fine-toothed comb, follow-up, followup, going-over, gonioscopy, health check, inspection, keratoscopy, look-over, medical, medical checkup, medical exam, medical examination, motion study, necropsy, once-over, ophthalmoscopy, palpation, pm, post-mortem, post-mortem examination, postmortem, postmortem examination, reexamination, review, rhinoscopy, scan, search, study, survey, tactual exploration, testing, time-and-motion study, time-motion study, time and motion study, time study, audit, work study, autopsy, bank examination, checkup, comparing
Derivation scrutineer, scrutinise, scrutinize
Type Words
Type of looking at, look, looking
Derivation scrutineer, scrutinise, scrutinize