Polish language

How to pronounce restrain in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms hold back, keep, keep back
Has types blink away, curb, blink, check, confine, contain, control, baffle, harness, hold, hold in, moderate, regulate, rein, rule, swallow, wink
Derivation restrainer, restraint

she struggled to restrain her impatience at the delays.
Type Words
Synonyms confine, constrain, hold
Type of disable, disenable, incapacitate
Has types tie up, enchain, fetter, fold, ground, shackle, truss, impound, pen up, pinion, pound, pound up, bind, tie down
Derivation restrainer, restraint
Type Words
Synonyms cumber, encumber
Type of confine, bound, limit, throttle, restrict, trammel
Has types bridle, clog, curb
Derivation restrainer
Type Words
Type of prevent, keep
Derivation restrainer

security guards restrained the reporter from throwing another shoe.