Polish language

How to pronounce research in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms explore, search
Type of look into, investigate
Has types cast around, mapquest, prospect, re-explore, beat about, cast about, google
Derivation researcher

the students had to research the history of the Second World War for their history project.
Type Words
Synonyms enquiry, inquiry
Type of problem solving
Has types empirical research, experiment, experimentation, heraldry, canvass, investigation, nature study, opinion poll, poll, probe, public opinion poll

their pottery deserves more research than it has received.
Type Words
Type of investigate, look into
Has types look up, consult, refer
Derivation researcher

The student researched the history of that word.
Type Words
Type of investigation, investigating
Has types field work, probe, operations research, market research, marketing research, microscopy, scientific research, research project