Polish language

How to pronounce quiet in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms placid, smooth, still, tranquil, unruffled
Derivation quietness

the quiet waters of a lagoon.
Type Words
Synonyms calm, calm down, lull, quieten, still, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize
Type of console, comfort, solace, soothe
Has types pacify, mollify, lull, lenify, gruntle, gentle, conciliate, compose, assure, assuage, appease, placate, reassure

quiet the dragons of worry and fear.
Type Words
Synonyms quietly

her hands rested quietly in her lap.
the rock star was quietly led out the back door.
sit here as quiet as you can.
Type Words
Synonyms lull
Type of calmness
Type Words
Synonyms silence
Type of sound property
Has types speechlessness, soundlessness, hush, quietness, stillness, still

the street was quiet.
Type Words
Synonyms tranquility, tranquillity
Type of order
Type Words
Synonyms placidity, repose, serenity, tranquility, tranquillity
Type of composure, calm, calmness, equanimity
Has types ataraxia
Type Words
Synonyms hushed, muted, subdued

a quiet reprimand.
Type Words
Synonyms hush, pipe down, quiesce, quiet down, quieten
Type of change intensity
Verb group shut up, quieten, hush, hush up, still, silence
Type Words
Synonyms restrained

clothes in quiet good taste.
Type Words
Derivation quietness

a quiet life.
a quiet throng of onlookers.
quiet peace-loving people.
the factions remained quiet for almost 10 years.
Type Words
Derivation quietness

a quiet audience at the concert.
the room was dark and quiet.
Type Words