Polish language

How to pronounce perform in Polish?

Toggle Transcript
Type Words
Synonyms do, execute
Has types rehearse, scamp, serenade, conduct, cut, star, stunt, cut corners, declaim, direct, extemporise, extemporize, blaze away, improvise, improvize, carry, interpret, lead, make, pipe up, churn out, click off, practice, practise, premier, premiere, ad-lib, recite, render, appear
Derivation performance
Type Words
Synonyms do
Type of action, execute, carry through, accomplish, carry out, fulfil, fulfill
Has types underachieve, turn, underperform, give one's best, go all out, ply, overachieve, misdo, do one's best, give full measure
Type Words
Type of re-create
Has types underperform, act, audition, barnstorm, concertise, concertize, conduct, debut, give, grandstand, interlude, play, play out, playact, rap, roleplay, sight-read, sightread, solo, try out
Derivation performance, performer, performing

Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight.
We performed a popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera.
Type Words
Type of move, act
Has types officiate, church

Who will perform the wedding?.