Polish language

How to pronounce paste in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms spread
Type of condiment
Has types hummus, humous, humus, lobster butter, margarin, margarine, marshmallow fluff, miso, nut butter, oleo, oleomargarine, onion butter, pate, peanut butter, pimento butter, shrimp butter, tahini, tapenade, marge, anchovy butter, cheese spread, fishpaste, garlic butter, hommos, hoummos
Type Words
Synonyms glue
Type of attach
Has types epoxy
Derivation paster

paste the sign on the wall.
cut and paste the sentence in the text.
Type Words
Synonyms library paste
Type of adhesive agent, adhesive material, adhesive
Has types wafer
Derivation pasty
Type Words
Type of lead glass
Type Words
Type of composition
Type Words
Type of cover
Derivation paster

paste the wall with burlap.
Type Words
Type of beat

He pasted his opponent.