Polish language

How to pronounce morning glory in Polish?

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Type of vine
Has types belle de nuit, common morning glory, cypress vine, imperial japanese morning glory, indian pink, wild sweet potato vine, wild potato vine, beach morning glory, ipomoea alba, ipomoea batatas, ipomoea coccinea, ipomoea fastigiata, ipomoea imperialis, ipomoea leptophylla, ipomoea nil, ipomoea orizabensis, ipomoea panurata, ipomoea pes-caprae, ipomoea purpurea, ipomoea quamoclit, ipomoea tricolor, japanese morning glory, man-of-the-earth, manroot, moonflower, quamoclit pennata, railroad vine, red morning-glory, scammony, scammonyroot, star-glory, star ipomoea, sweet potato, sweet potato vine