Polish language

How to pronounce membrane in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms tissue layer
Type of animal tissue
Has types axolemma, basilar membrane, bowman's capsule, capsula glomeruli, chorioallantoic membrane, chorioallantois, choroid, choroid coat, ciliary body, cornea, diaphragm, web, synovium, trophoblast, tunic, tunica, tympanic membrane, tympanum, adventitia, eardrum, endocranium, endosteum, ependyma, fertilization membrane, fetal membrane, glomerular capsule, hyaloid, hyaloid membrane, intima, iris, lamella, meninges, meninx, midriff, mucosa, mucous membrane, myringa, periosteum, perithelium, retina, sarcolemma, semipermeable membrane, serosa, serous membrane, synovial membrane
Derivation membranous
Type Words
Type of flat solid, sheet
Has types head, gelatin, gel, drumhead
Derivation membranous