Polish language

How to pronounce meeting in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms coming together, congress
Type of assembly, gathering, assemblage
Has types session, visit, rendezvous, socialisation, socialising, socialization, socializing
Derivation meet

his meeting with the salesmen was the high point of his day.
Type Words
Synonyms coming together, merging
Type of convergence, converging, convergency
Has types confluence, concourse

there was no meeting of minds.
Type Words
Synonyms group meeting
Type of gathering, assemblage
Has types camp meeting, board meeting, caucus, committee meeting, conclave, conference, congress, convention, council, forum, plenum, psychotherapy group, stockholders meeting, summit, summit meeting, town meeting
Derivation meet

next year the meeting will be in Chicago.
the meeting elected a chairperson.
Type Words
Synonyms confluence
Type of geographical point, geographic point
Type Words
Synonyms encounter
Type of convergence
Has types alignment, conjunction
Derivation meet

he still remembers their meeting in Paris.
Type Words
Synonyms get together
Type of social gathering, social affair
Has types engagement, conventicle, lunch meeting, luncheon meeting, date, power breakfast, visit, seance, appointment, session, sitting
Derivation meet

there was an informal meeting in my living room.