Polish language

How to pronounce lull in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms letup
Type of break, interruption, pause, intermission, suspension
Type Words
Synonyms calm, calm down, quiet, quieten, still, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize
Type of soothe, comfort, solace, console
Has types appease, assuage, compose, reassure, conciliate, assure, lenify, gentle, gruntle, mollify, pacify, placate
Type Words
Synonyms quiet
Type of calmness

there was a lull in the storm.
Type Words
Synonyms calm down
Type of shut up, hush up, hush, still, silence, quieten

the fighting lulled for a moment.
Type Words
Type of tranquillize, calm, calm down, quiet, quieten, still, tranquilize, tranquillise

Don't let yourself be lulled into a false state of security.