Polish language

How to pronounce limit in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms limit point, point of accumulation
Type of indefinite quantity
Type Words
Synonyms define, determine, fix, set, specify
Type of pick out, select, take, choose
Has types quantify, name, define, reset
Type Words
Synonyms bound, boundary
Type of extent
Has types brink, knife-edge, level best, maximum, heat barrier, starkness, thermal barrier, utmost, uttermost, utterness, verge, absoluteness

to the limit of his ability.
Type Words
Synonyms circumscribe, confine to
Type of decrease, lessen, minify
Has types curb, curtail, cut back, number, cap, hold down, keep down, restrict
Derivation limitation

I limit you to two visits to the pub a day.
Type Words
Synonyms bound, confine, restrict, throttle, trammel
Has types tighten up, clamp down, constrain, crack down, cramp, cumber, delimit, delimitate, demarcate, draw a line, draw the line, encumber, gate, halter, hamper, mark off, mark out, reduce, restrain, scant, skimp, stiffen, strangle, tie, tighten
Derivation limitation, limiter

limit the time you can spend with your friends.
Type Words
Synonyms demarcation, demarcation line
Type of bounds, bound, boundary
Has types edge, upper limit, three-mile limit, city limits, city limit, lower limit
Type Words
Synonyms terminal point, terminus ad quem
Type of end, ending
Type Words
Synonyms limitation
Type of indefinite quantity
Has types extremum, cutoff, peak

there are limits on the amount you can bet.
it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight.
Type Words
Type of extremity
Has types maximum, reach, range, minimum