Polish language

How to pronounce leader in Polish?

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Synonyms drawing card, loss leader
Type of feature
Type Words
Type of soul, individual, someone, somebody, person, mortal
Has types cheerleader, chief, chieftain, choragus, civic leader, civil leader, commander, demigod, duce, employer, father, fugleman, galvaniser, galvanizer, guide, guru, head, headman, hero, higher-up, imam, imaum, initiator, inspirer, instigator, ubermensch, aristocrat, bellwether, blue blood, boss, caller, captain, puppet leader, puppet ruler, religious leader, role model, scoutmaster, spearhead, spiritual leader, strike leader, superior, superman, superordinate, top dog, torchbearer, trainer, tribal chief, labor leader, lawgiver, lawmaker, malik, military leader, misleader, model, nationalist leader, patrician, pied piper, point man, point woman, pol, political leader, politician, politico, presiding officer
Derivation lead, leadership