Polish language

How to pronounce institution in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms establishment
Type of organisation, organization
Has types vicarship, charity, company, educational institution, faith, financial institution, financial organisation, financial organization, honorary society, issuer, medical institution, organized religion, religion, vicariate, academy
Derivation institutional
Type Words
Synonyms creation, foundation, founding, initiation, innovation, instauration, introduction, origination
Type of beginning, start, commencement
Has types authorship, paternity
Derivation institute, institutionalise
Type Words
Synonyms asylum, insane asylum, mental home, mental hospital, mental institution, psychiatric hospital
Type of infirmary, hospital
Has types madhouse, nut house, nuthouse, snake pit, booby hatch, sanatorium, bedlam, funny farm, funny house, crazy house, cuckoo's nest, loony bin
Derivation institutionalize, institutionalise, institutional
Type Words
Type of custom, tradition
Has types levirate

the institution of marriage.
the institution of slavery.
he had become an institution in the theater.
Type Words
Type of establishment
Has types nursing home, rest home, penal facility, penal institution, home, orphans' asylum, orphanage
Derivation institutional