Polish language

How to pronounce idle in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms jobless, out of work
Derivation idleness

idle carpenters.
Type Words
Synonyms unused
Derivation idleness

the machinery sat idle during the strike.
idle hands.
Type Words
Synonyms baseless, groundless, unfounded, unwarranted, wild
Derivation idleness

idle fears.
Type Words
Synonyms laze, slug, stagnate
Has types lie around, arse about, arse around, bum, bum about, bum around, daydream, frig around, fuck off, lie about, loaf, loll, loll around, lounge about, lounge around, moon, moon around, moon on, ride the bench, warm the bench, waste one's time
Derivation idler, idling
Type Words
Synonyms tick over
Type Words
Synonyms light

idle pleasure.
light idle chatter.
Type Words
Synonyms loose

idle talk.
Type Words
Synonyms dead

idle funds.
Type Words
Derivation idleness

an idle laborer.
idle drifters.
the idle rich.
an idle mind.
Type Words
Type of operation

the car engine was running at idle.