Polish language

How to pronounce high in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms heights
Type of topographic point, place, spot

they stood on high and observed the countryside.
Type Words
Synonyms mellow
Type Words
Synonyms in high spirits
Type Words
Synonyms luxuriously, richly

he lives high.
Type Words
Synonyms gamey, gamy
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Synonyms high-pitched
Type Words
Synonyms high up

he climbed high on the ladder.
Type Words
Synonyms high school, highschool, senior high, senior high school
Type of lycee, secondary school, gymnasium, middle school, lyceum

he goes to the neighborhood highschool.
Type Words
Synonyms eminent
Derivation highness

people in high places.
the high priest.
Type Words
Synonyms high gear
Type of gear, gear mechanism
Has types overdrive
Type Words
Type of level, grade, degree

summer temperatures reached an all-time high.
Type Words
Type of air mass

the east coast benefits from a Bermuda high.
Type Words
Type of elation

they took drugs to get a high on.
Type Words
Type of elation

I'm on a permanent high these days.
Type Words
Derivation highness

a high temperature.
a high price.
the high point of his career.
high risks.
has high hopes.
the river is high.
he has a high opinion of himself.
Type Words
Derivation highness

a high mountain.
high ceilings.
high buildings.
a high forehead.
a high incline.
a foot high.