Polish language

How to pronounce gum in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms gumwood
Type of wood
Has types red gum, hazelwood, satin walnut, sweet gum
Type Words
Synonyms mumble
Type of manducate, chew, jaw, masticate
Derivation gumming
Type Words
Synonyms gum tree
Type of tree
Has types eucalyptus, eucalyptus tree, liquidambar, eucalypt, tupelo, tupelo tree
Type Words
Synonyms chewing gum
Type of confection, sweet
Has types gum ball, bubble gum
Type Words
Synonyms gingiva
Type of animal tissue
Type Words
Synonyms glue, mucilage
Type of cement
Has types animal glue, casein glue, fish glue, marine glue
Derivation gummy
Type Words
Type of exudation, exudate
Has types algin, alginic acid, ammoniac, balata, bengal kino, agar, agar-agar, butea gum, butea kino, carrageenan, carrageenin, cherry-tree gum, chicle, chicle gum, conima, dragon's blood, eucalyptus gum, eucalyptus kino, euphorbium, frankincense, galbanum, ghatti, ghatti gum, guar gum, gum acacia, gum albanum, gum ammoniac, gum arabic, gum butea, gum eurphorbium, gum kino, gum olibanum, gum sangapenum, gutta-percha, gutta balata, karaya gum, kino, kino gum, lacquer, liquidambar, mesquite gum, mucilage, olibanum, opopanax, red gum, sangapenum, sterculia gum, sweet gum, thus, tragacanth
Type Words
Type of change
Type Words
Type of put on, apply

if you gum the tape it is stronger.
Type Words
Type of exudate, ooze, ooze out, exude, transude

these trees gum in the Spring.