Polish language

How to pronounce foundation in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms grounding
Type of education

he lacks the foundation necessary for advanced study.
Type Words
Synonyms base, foot, fundament, groundwork, substructure, understructure
Type of support
Has types bed, mat, raft, raft foundation
Type Words
Synonyms foundation garment
Type of unmentionable, undergarment
Has types roll-on, stays, corset, girdle
Type Words
Synonyms base, basis, cornerstone, fundament, groundwork
Type of supposal, supposition, assumption
Has types meat and potatoes
Derivation found
Type Words
Synonyms creation, founding, initiation, innovation, instauration, institution, introduction, origination
Type of commencement, beginning, start
Has types paternity, authorship
Derivation found

the foundation of a new scientific society.
Type Words
Type of financial institution, financial organization, financial organisation
Has types charity
Derivation found
Type Words
Type of relation
Has types grass roots, basis, footing, ground
Derivation found

there is little foundation for his objections.