Polish language

How to pronounce focus in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms focalise, focalize
Type of adapt, adjust, conform
Derivation focusing

The light focused.
Type Words
Synonyms centering, direction, focal point, focusing, focussing
Type of engrossment, absorption, concentration, immersion
Has types particularism

the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology.
Type Words
Synonyms center, centre, concentrate, pore, rivet
Type of think, cogitate, cerebrate
Has types zoom in, absorb, engross, engulf, hear, immerse, listen, plunge, recall, soak up, steep, take heed, think
Verb group rivet
Derivation focussing, focusing

Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies.
Type Words
Synonyms concenter, concentre, focalise, focalize
Type of aline, line up, align, adjust
Has types refocus
Derivation focusing
Type Words
Synonyms stress
Type of accent, emphasis
Type Words
Synonyms focal point, nidus
Type of point

the focus of infection.
Type Words
Synonyms focal point
Type of point
Derivation focal
Type Words
Synonyms focalise, focalize, sharpen
Type of correct, set, adjust
Has types refocus
Derivation focusing

Please focus the image; we cannot enjoy the movie.
Type Words
Type of point
Derivation focal
Type Words
Type of sharpen
Has types refocus
Derivation focusing
Type Words
Type of clarity, lucidity, limpidity, pellucidity, clearness, lucidness

the controversy brought clearly into focus an important difference of opinion.
Type Words
Type of sharpness, distinctness

in focus.
out of focus.