Polish language

How to pronounce experience in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms get, have, receive
Type of undergo
Has types horripilate, have, sustain, suffer, get, take

experience vertigo.
Type Words
Synonyms go through, see
Type of undergo
Has types meet, live, suffer, feel, know, endure, see, find, come, witness, enjoy
Type Words
Synonyms have
Type of change
Has types encounter, meet, receive
Type Words
Synonyms feel
Has types recapture, anger, beam, burn, chafe, congratulate, cool off, die, entertain, fly high, fume, glow, harbor, harbour, hold, incline, joy, nurse, plume, pride, pride oneself, radiate, regret, rejoice, repent, rue, sadden, see red, shine, smolder, smoulder, suffer, sympathise, sympathize, take pride
Type Words
Synonyms know, live
Type of go through, see
Has types taste, relive, live over
Type Words
Type of occurrent, occurrence, happening, natural event
Has types head trip, trip, flashing, time, taste, loss, sign, good time, foretoken, appalling, flash, out-of-body experience, blast, augury, vision, near-death experience, ordeal, preindication

a surprising experience.
that painful experience certainly got our attention.
Type Words
Type of education
Has types woodcraft, familiarization, familiarisation
Derivation experient, experiential

a man of experience.
experience is the best teacher.
Type Words
Type of mental object, content, cognitive content
Has types world, reminder, reality, re-experiencing, living, life, reliving
Derivation experiential

he had a religious experience.
he recalled the experience vividly.