Polish language

How to pronounce exceed in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms surpass, transcend
Has types overgrow

Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds.
Type Words
Synonyms go past, overstep, pass, top, transcend
Type of stand out, surpass, excel
Derivation exceedance, excessive

She exceeded our expectations.
Type Words
Synonyms outdo, outgo, outmatch, outperform, outstrip, surmount, surpass
Type of beat out, beat, crush, shell, trounce, vanquish
Has types break, circumvent, outbrave, outcry, outdraw, outfox, outgrow, outmarch, outpace, outrange, outroar, outsail, outsell, outshine, outshout, outsmart, outwear, outweigh, outwit, beat, overreach, shame, out-herod, better
Derivation excessive

This exceeds all my expectations.