Polish language

How to pronounce everlasting in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms arrant, complete, consummate, double-dyed, gross, perfect, pure, sodding, staring, stark, thorough, thoroughgoing, unadulterated, utter
Type Words
Synonyms aeonian, ageless, eonian, eternal, perpetual, unceasing, unending
Derivation everlastingness

life everlasting.
Type Words
Synonyms everlasting flower
Type of composite, composite plant
Has types cascade everlasting, acroclinium roseum, anaphalis margaritacea, pink paper daisy, rhodanthe, rhodanthe manglesii, strawflower, swan river everlasting, xeranthemum annuum, yellow paper daisy, cottonweed, cudweed, golden everlasting, helichrysum bracteatum, helichrysum secundiflorum, helipterum manglesii, immortelle, ozothamnus secundiflorus, pearly everlasting, pink-and-white everlasting