Polish language

How to pronounce employee in Polish?

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Type Words
Type of worker
Has types barkeeper, barman, bartender, clerk, company man, copyist, copywriter, crewman, deliverer, delivery boy, deliveryman, dining-room attendant, dispatcher, dog catcher, floater, floorwalker, gardener, gasman, gofer, hire, hired help, hireling, jobholder, line worker, liveryman, mixologist, office boy, organization man, pensionary, porter, potboy, potman, public servant, pullman porter, railroad man, railroader, railway man, railwayman, registrar, restaurant attendant, sales rep, sales representative, salesperson, sandwichman, scribe, scrivener, shopwalker, spotter, staff member, staffer, stage technician, stagehand, stock-taker, stocktaker, sweeper, toll agent, toll collector, toll taker, toller, tollgatherer, tollkeeper, tollman, trainman, turncock, typist, working man, working person, workingman, barkeep, workman
Derivation employ