Polish language

How to pronounce dose in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms acid, back breaker, battery-acid, dot, elvis, loony toons, lucy in the sky with diamonds, pane, superman, window pane, zen
Type of lysergic acid diethylamide, lsd
Type Words
Synonyms dosage
Type of indefinite quantity
Type Words
Synonyms cupid's disease, cupid's itch, sexually transmitted disease, social disease, std, vd, venereal disease, venereal infection, venus's curse
Type of contagious disease, contagion
Has types clap, lues, chlamydia, lgv, lymphopathia venereum, lymphogranuloma venereum, lues venerea, syphilis, syph, genital herpes, gonorrhea, gonorrhoea, granuloma inguinale, granuloma venereum, herpes genitalis, pox
Type Words
Synonyms dosage
Type of medicinal drug, medication, medicine, medicament
Has types booster shot, booster, booster dose, lozenge, recall dose, draft, tab, tablet, lethal dose, pill, hit, draught
Type Words
Synonyms drug
Type of medicate, medicine
Has types anesthetise, anaesthetise, anaesthetize, anesthetize, dope, dope up, narcotise, narcotize, o.d., overdose, poison, put out, put under
Derivation dosage
Type Words
Type of treat, process
Derivation dosage

The ray dosed the paint.