Polish language

How to pronounce divine in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms godly

divine judgment.
divine guidance.
Type Words
Synonyms godlike

the divine strength of Achilles.
Type Words
Synonyms elysian, inspired

her pies were simply divine.
the divine Shakespeare.
Type Words
Synonyms churchman, cleric, ecclesiastic
Type of clergyman, man of the cloth, reverend
Has types pluralist, ordainer, pardoner
Type Words
Synonyms providential
Type Words
Synonyms godlike
Derivation divinity

the custom of killing the divine king upon any serious failure of his...powers.
the divine will.
the divine capacity for love.
Type Words
Synonyms almighty, creator, god almighty, godhead, jehovah, lord, maker
Has types blessed trinity, sacred trinity, hypostasis, holy trinity, trinity, hypostasis of christ
Type Words
Derivation divinity

divine worship.
divine liturgy.
Type Words
Type of perceive, comprehend
Has types chiromance
Derivation divinatory, divination, diviner
Type Words
Type of seek, search, look for
Has types dowse
Derivation diviner

He claimed he could divine underground water.