Polish language

How to pronounce distance in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms outdistance, outstrip
Type of leave behind

He outdistanced the other runners.
Type Words
Synonyms length
Type of size
Has types altitude, arm's length, gauge, leg, light time, skip distance, wingspan, wingspread

the distance from New York to Chicago.
Type Words
Synonyms space
Type of time interval, interval
Derivation distant

the distance from birth to death.
Type Words
Synonyms aloofness
Type of indifference
Derivation distant

emotional distance.
Type Words
Type of region, part

I could see it in the distance.
Type Words
Type of point, point in time
Derivation distant

if that happens it will be at some distance in the future.
at a distance of ten years he had forgotten many of the details.
Type Words
Type of keep, hold, maintain

we have to distance ourselves from these events in order to continue living.
Type Words
Type of spacing, spatial arrangement
Has types remove, separation, focal distance, span, wavelength, way, wheelbase, yardage, farness, farawayness, elevation, closeness, interval, leap, milage, mean distance, mileage, minute, nearness, hyperfocal distance, piece, hour angle, hour, focal length, remoteness
Derivation distant