Polish language

How to pronounce dissolve in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms fade away, fade out
Type of turn, change state
Type Words
Synonyms break up, resolve
Type of change integrity
Has types melt down, run, melt, cut
Derivation dissolving, dissolution, dissolvent, dissolver

The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water.
Type Words
Synonyms dethaw, melt, thaw, unfreeze, unthaw
Type of liquefy, liquify, flux
Has types deliquesce, de-ice, deice, defrost

The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase.
Type Words
Synonyms break up
Type of end, terminate
Verb group dismiss
Derivation dissolution

The decree officially dissolved the marriage.
the judge dissolved the tobacco company.
Type Words
Synonyms break up
Type of end, terminate

Their marriage dissolved.
Type Words
Synonyms dismiss
Type of alter, modify, change
Verb group break up

The President dissolved the parliament and called for new elections.
Type Words
Synonyms disband
Type of break up

The political wing of the party dissolved after much internal fighting.
Type Words
Type of alter, change, modify
Has types etch
Verb group fade out, fade away

dissolve a shot or a picture.
Type Words
Type of upset, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, untune

The news dissolved her into tears.
Type Words
Type of transition
Type Words
Type of snap, lose it, break down

She dissolved into tears when she heard that she had lost all her savings in the pyramid scheme.
Type Words
Type of disintegrate
Derivation dissolver, dissolution, dissolving

The sugar quickly dissolved in the coffee.