Polish language

How to pronounce dark in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms night, nighttime
Type of period of time, period, time period
Has types wedding night, weeknight
Type Words
Synonyms black, sinister
Derivation darkness

Darth Vader of the dark side.
a dark purpose.
dark undercurrents of ethnic hostility.
Type Words
Synonyms darkness
Type of illumination
Has types black, blackness, blackout, brownout, semidarkness, dimout, pitch blackness, night, total darkness, lightlessness
Type Words
Synonyms blue, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, drab, drear, dreary, gloomy, grim, sorry

the dark days of the war.
a dark gloomy day.
Type Words
Synonyms darkness, wickedness
Type of status, condition
Has types foulness

the powers of darkness.
Type Words
Synonyms benighted
Derivation darkness

the dark ages.
a dark age in the history of education.
Type Words
Synonyms obscure
Derivation darkness

much that was dark is now quite clear to me.
Type Words
Synonyms darkness
Type of unenlightenment

he was in the dark concerning their intentions.
his lectures dispelled the darkness.
Type Words
Synonyms dour, glowering, glum, moody, morose, saturnine, sour, sullen

a dark scowl.
Type Words
Synonyms darkness, shadow
Type of scene

he moved off into the darkness.
Type Words
Derivation darkness

dark eyes.
Type Words
Derivation darkness

sitting in a dark corner.
a dark day.
dark shadows.
dark as the inside of a black cat.
Type Words

the theater is dark on Mondays.
Type Words
Derivation darkness

keep it dark.
Type Words
Derivation darkness

dark green.
dark glasses.
dark colors like wine red or navy blue.