Polish language

How to pronounce country in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms land, state
Type of territorial division, administrative district, administrative division
Has types european nation, european country, buffer state, fatherland, motherland, homeland, mother country, country of origin, native land, north american country, kingdom, asian country, buffer country, south american country, south american nation, asian nation, african nation, tax haven, sultanate, banana republic, north american nation, african country
Type Words
Synonyms body politic, commonwealth, land, nation, res publica, state
Type of political entity, political unit
Has types world power, major power, foreign country, superpower, suzerain, city state, ally, city-state, renegade state, great power, commonwealth country, sea power, developing country, reich, dominion, power, rogue nation, rogue state

the country's largest manufacturer.
Type Words
Synonyms area
Type of region
Has types anchorage ground, playground, vacation spot, quadrant, rain shadow, refuge, repair, danger, disaster area, anchorage, bed-ground, bed ground, bedground, resort, resort area, retreat, safety, eye, block, scene, section, shrubbery, fireside, space, free port, free zone, staging area, stamping ground, trouble spot, tank farm, broadcast area, hangout, haunt, heart, hearth, high country, hunting ground, center, centre, arena, winner's circle, city block, clear, middle, neighborhood, no-go area, no man's land, open, corner

Bible country.
Type Words
Synonyms land, nation
Type of people
Has types spanish people, english, swiss, swiss people, dutch people, spanish, french, irish people, british people, brits, british, dutch, irish, french people, english people

the whole country worshipped him.
Type Words
Synonyms rural area
Type of geographic region, geographic area, geographical area, geographical region
Has types wold, farmland, boondocks, scrubland, weald, back country, farming area, hinterland, countryside, backwoods

his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country.