Polish language

How to pronounce consequence in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms effect, event, issue, outcome, result, upshot
Type of phenomenon
Has types aftermath, backwash, bandwagon effect, branch, brisance, butterfly effect, by-product, byproduct, change, coattails effect, aftereffect, impact, influence, knock-on effect, materialisation, materialization, offset, offshoot, offspring, outgrowth, placebo effect, position effect, product, repercussion, response, reverberation, side effect, spillover, wake, wallop, coriolis effect, dent, domino effect, fallout, harvest
Derivation consequent

his decision had depressing consequences for business.
Type Words
Synonyms import, moment
Type of significance
Has types matter, hell to pay
Derivation consequential

decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself.
that result is of no consequence.
Type Words
Synonyms aftermath
Type of termination, final result, result, resultant, outcome
Has types comeupance, fruit, reward, poetic jstice, just deserts, sequella, train, payoff, corollary, wages, comeuppance