Polish language

How to pronounce cloth in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms fabric, material, textile
Type of artefact, artifact
Has types aertex, alpaca, bagging, baize, basket weave, batik, batiste, belting, bombazine, boucle, broadcloth, brocade, buckram, bunting, calico, cambric, camel's hair, camelhair, camlet, camo, camouflage, canopy, canton flannel, canvas, canvass, cashmere, cerecloth, challis, chambray, chenille, chiffon, chino, chintz, coating, cobweb, cord, corduroy, cotton, cotton flannel, crape, crepe, cretonne, crinoline, damask, denim, diamante, diaper, dimity, doeskin, drapery, duck, duffel, duffle, dungaree, durable press, yoke, acrylic, wincey, wire cloth, wool, woolen, woollen, worsted, aba, elastic, etamin, etamine, faille, felt, fiber, fibre, flannel, flannelette, fleece, foulard, frieze, fustian, gabardine, georgette, gingham, grogram, grosgrain, hair, haircloth, herringbone, homespun, hopsack, hopsacking, horsehair, imitation leather, jaconet, jacquard, jean, khaddar, khadi, khaki, knit, lace, lame, leatherette, linen, linsey-woolsey, lint, lisle, macintosh, mackinaw, mackintosh, madras, marseille, mesh, meshing, meshwork, metallic, mohair, moire, moleskin, monk's cloth, moquette, moreen, motley, mousseline de sole, muslin, nankeen, net, network, ninon, nylon, oilcloth, olive drab, organza, paisley, panting, pepper-and-salt, percale, permanent press, piece of cloth, piece of material, pilot cloth, pina cloth, pinstripe, pique, plaid, plush, polyester, pongee, poplin, print, quilting, rayon, rep, repp, sackcloth, sacking, sailcloth, samite, sateen, satin, satinet, satinette, screening, scrim, seersucker, serge, shag, shantung, sharkskin, sheeting, shirting, shirttail, silesia, silk, spandex, sponge cloth, stammel, suede, suede cloth, suiting, swan's down, taffeta, tammy, tapa, tapestry, tapis, tappa, tartan, terry, terry cloth, terrycloth, ticking, toweling, towelling, trousering, tweed, twill, upholstery material, velcro, velour, velours, velvet, velveteen, vicuna, viyella, voile, vulcanized fiber, wash-and-wear, watered-silk, waterproof, web, webbing, whipcord

woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC.