Polish language

How to pronounce check in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms assay
Type of appraisal, assessment
Has types countercheck, stress test, double check, apgar score, paternity test

a check on its dependability under stress.
Type Words
Synonyms check out
Verb group agree, match, tally, gibe, correspond, fit, jibe

These stories don't check!.
Type Words
Synonyms chink
Type of crack
Verb group break, crack

The heat checked the paint.
Type Words
Synonyms chip
Type of mar, defect, blemish
Type Words
Synonyms check into, check out, check over, check up on, go over, look into, suss out
Type of examine, study, analyze, analyse, canvass
Has types watch, keep an eye on, follow, observe, watch over
Verb group mark off, check off, tick, mark, tick off
Derivation checker

check the brakes.
Type Words
Synonyms condition, discipline, train
Type of make grow, develop
Has types mortify
Verb group train, groom, prepare
Type Words
Synonyms break, crack
Type of change
Has types crack
Verb group chink, crack
Type Words
Synonyms contain, control, curb, hold, hold in, moderate
Type of keep back, restrain, hold back, keep
Has types counteract, train, mortify, suppress, damp, subdue, abnegate, countercheck, thermostat, conquer, stamp down, catch, bate, crucify, deny
Type Words
Synonyms arrest, halt, hitch, stay, stop, stoppage
Type of inaction, inactivity, inactiveness
Has types countercheck, logjam

held them in check.
Type Words
Synonyms ascertain, determine, find out, learn, see, watch
Has types test
Verb group ascertain, control, determine, ensure, find, find out, insure, see, see to it, assure
Type Words
Synonyms delay, retard
Type of modify, alter, change
Has types stay, delay, detain, dampen
Type Words
Synonyms bank check, cheque
Type of order of payment, bill of exchange, draft
Has types blank check, kite, cashier's cheque, blank cheque, bad cheque, giro, giro cheque, personal cheque, treasurer's cheque, treasurer's check, counter check, medicare payment, personal check, payroll check, medicare check, paycheck, bad check, certified cheque, certified check, cashier's check

he paid all his bills by check.
Type Words
Synonyms ascertain, assure, control, ensure, insure, see, see to it
Type of verify
Has types proof, spot-check, proofread, card, double-check, cross-check, cover, control, cinch
Verb group verify, control, determine, ascertain, find out, learn, mark, mark off, watch, check off, see, tick, tick off
Type Words
Synonyms checker, chequer
Type of draw
Type Words
Synonyms confirmation, substantiation, verification
Type of cogent evidence, proof
Has types redundancy check, checksum, parity check, bed check, crosscheck, odd-even check
Type Words
Synonyms check mark, tick
Type of mark

as he called the role he put a check mark by each student's name.
Type Words
Synonyms check-out procedure, checkout
Type of review, inspection
Has types spot check

they made a check of their equipment.
the pilot ran through the check-out procedure.
Type Words
Synonyms balk, baulk, deterrent, handicap, hinderance, hindrance, impediment
Type of difficulty
Has types obstruction, drag, diriment impediment, bind, obstacle, straitjacket, millstone, albatross
Type Words
Synonyms chit, tab
Type of invoice, account, bill

he asked the waiter for the check.
Type Words
Synonyms check off, mark, mark off, tick, tick off
Type of verify
Has types receipt
Verb group go over, check into, insure, ensure, suss out, control, check up on, check over, check out, look into, assure, ascertain, see, see to it

Please check each name on the list.
Type Words
Synonyms agree, correspond, fit, gibe, jibe, match, tally
Type of equal, be
Has types square, accord, adhere, agree, align, answer, bear out, befit, beseem, coincide, concord, consist, consort, correlate, corroborate, duplicate, fit in, harmonise, harmonize, homologize, look, parallel, pattern, resemble, rhyme, rime, suit, support, twin, underpin
Verb group concord, agree, consort, fit in, accord, harmonise, harmonize, check out

The handwriting checks with the signature on the check.
Type Words
Synonyms arrest, contain, hold back, stop, turn back
Type of defend
Has types cut down, cut out
Type Words
Synonyms bridle, curb
Type of restraint
Type Words
Type of stop, halt
Type Words
Type of stop
Has types halt, stem, staunch, stanch

He checked the flow of water by shutting off the main valve.
Type Words
Type of weave
Has types dog's-tooth check, houndstooth check, hound's-tooth check, dogstooth check, dogs-tooth check

she wore a skirt with checks.
Type Words
Type of obstruct, stymy, stymie, embarrass, hinder, blockade, block
Type Words
Type of chess move
Has types discovered check
Type Words
Type of consign, charge

check your luggage before boarding.
Type Words
Type of move, go
Type Words
Type of consign, charge
Derivation checker
Type Words
Type of examine, see
Has types breathalyze, screen, test, countercheck, breathalyse

check into the rumor.
check the time of the class.
Type Words
Type of obstruction
Has types poke check, crosscheck
Type Words
Type of attack, aggress

He checked my kings.
Type Words
Type of stop, halt

She checked for an instant and missed a step.
Type Words
Type of stop, halt

The dog checked.
Type Words
Type of verify
Verb group ensure, see to it, insure, see, ascertain, control, assure

check the spelling of this word.
check your facts.
Type Words
Type of cut, issue, make out, write out