Polish language

How to pronounce calm in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms calmness, composure, equanimity
Type of temperament, disposition
Has types poise, placidity, cool, sang-froid, quiet, aplomb, tranquillity, tranquility, serenity, repose, assuredness
Type Words
Synonyms calm air
Type of wind, current of air, air current
Type Words
Synonyms calm down, lull, quiet, quieten, still, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize
Type of console, soothe, solace, comfort
Has types mollify, gentle, compose, lenify, gruntle, appease, assuage, assure, conciliate, lull, reassure, placate, pacify
Type Words
Synonyms calm down, chill out, cool it, cool off, settle down, simmer down
Type of turn, change state
Type Words
Synonyms sedate, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize
Type of affect
Has types hypnotise, mesmerize, mesmerise, hypnotize
Type Words
Synonyms serene, tranquil, unagitated
Derivation calmness

spoke in a calm voice.
remained calm throughout the uproar.
Type Words
Synonyms becalm, steady
Type of stabilise, stabilize
Type Words
Derivation calmness

calm seas.