Polish language

How to pronounce buy in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms bribe, corrupt, grease one's palms
Type of pay
Has types pay off, buy off, sop
Type Words
Synonyms bargain, steal
Type of purchase
Has types travel bargain, song

the stock was a real buy at that price.
Type Words
Synonyms purchase
Type of acquire, get
Has types take, buy back, pick up, repurchase, take out, subscribe, subscribe to, take over, buy up, buy out, get, buy food, impulse-buy
Derivation buying, buyer

She buys for the big department store.
Type Words
Type of believe

I can't buy this story.
Type Words
Type of get, acquire

She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work.
Type Words
Type of be
Verb group purchase

This sum will buy you a ride on the train.