Polish language

How to pronounce aster in Polish?

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Type Words
Type of flower
Has types annual salt-marsh aster, aromatic aster, arrow leaved aster, aster acuminatus, aster arenosus, aster dumosus, aster ericoides, aster falcatus, aster linarifolius, aster linosyris, aster novae-angliae, aster novi-belgii, aster ptarmicoides, aster shortii, aster tripolium, aster turbinellis, azure aster, wood aster, upland white aster, wavy-leaved aster, western silvery aster, white prairie aster, whorled aster, willow aster, bog aster, bushy aster, calico aster, crooked-stemmed aster, eastern silvery aster, flat-topped white aster, goldilocks, goldilocks aster, heath aster, late purple aster, linosyris vulgaris, michaelmas daisy, new england aster, new york aster, panicled aster, perennial salt marsh aster, prairie aster, purple-stemmed aster, rough-leaved aster, rush aster, schreiber's aster, sea aster, sea starwort, short's aster, small white aster, smooth aster, southern aster, starved aster, stiff aster, tradescant's aster
Type Words
Type of body structure, structure, anatomical structure, bodily structure, complex body part