Polish language

How to pronounce allegory in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms apologue, fable, parable
Type of story
Has types aesop's fables
Derivation allegorical, allegorize, allegorise
Type Words
Synonyms emblem
Type of symbolization, symbol, symbolic representation, symbolisation
Has types dove, fasces, hakenkreuz, hammer and sickle, magen david, maple-leaf, medallion, mogen david, national flag, paschal lamb, donkey, red flag, scarlet letter, shield of david, solomon's seal, spread eagle, star of david, cupid, badge, swastika, agnus dei, eagle, elephant, ensign
Derivation allegorize, allegorical, allegorise
Type Words
Type of expressive style, style
Derivation allegorical, allegoric, allegorize, allegorise