Dutch language

How to pronounce worry in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms concern, interest, occupy

I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift.
Type Words
Synonyms concern, headache, vexation
Type of negative stimulus
Has types encumbrance, business, burden, bugaboo, incumbrance, load, onus

it's a major worry.
Type Words
Synonyms care
Type of mind
Has types brood, dwell

I worry about my grades.
Type Words
Synonyms vex
Type of disorder, disquiet, perturb, unhinge, cark, trouble, distract
Has types misgive, eat, nag, eat on
Derivation worrying

I cannot sleep--my daughter's health is worrying me.
Type Words
Synonyms trouble
Type of anxiety

his worry over the prospect of being fired.
it is not work but worry that kills.
Type Words
Has types fear, fret, fuss, niggle, obsess
Verb group vex
Derivation worrier, worriment

I worry about my job.
Type Words
Type of incise
Type Words
Type of rub