Dutch language

How to pronounce wear in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms fag, fag out, fatigue, jade, outwear, tire, tire out, wear down, wear out, wear upon, weary
Type of indispose
Has types overfatigue, tucker, beat, tucker out, exhaust, overtire, overweary, wash up
Type Words
Synonyms have on
Derivation wearable, wearer

She was wearing yellow that day.
Type Words
Synonyms wearing
Type of human action, human activity, deed, act

she bought it for everyday wear.
Type Words
Synonyms bear
Type of feature, have
Derivation wearable, wearing
Type Words
Synonyms break, bust, fall apart, wear out
Type of decay, crumble, dilapidate
Has types frazzle, fray
Verb group bust, break
Type Words
Synonyms assume, don, get into, put on
Type of dress, get dressed
Has types hat, try, scarf, try on, slip on
Derivation wearable

What should I wear today?.
Type Words
Synonyms article of clothing, clothing, habiliment, vesture, wearable
Type of covering, consumer goods
Has types accoutrement, apparel, array, attire, beachwear, black, blue, change, civilian clothing, civilian dress, civilian garb, clothes, gray, accouterment, drag, dress, duds, footwear, garb, garment, accessory, grey, hand wear, handwear, headdress, headgear, knitwear, leisure wear, loungewear, man's clothing, neckpiece, nightclothes, nightwear, outerwear, overclothes, plain clothes, protective garment, raiment, ready-to-wear, regalia, sleepwear, slip-on, slops, street clothes, tailor-made, threads, togs, uniform, vestiture, wearing apparel, woman's clothing, work-clothes, work-clothing, work clothes, work clothing
Type Words
Synonyms wear down, wear off, wear out, wear thin
Type of deteriorate
Has types scuff, ablate
Type Words
Synonyms endure, hold out
Type of last, endure
Derivation wearable
Type Words
Type of have, feature

He always wears a smile.
Type Words
Type of feature, have

wear one's hair in a certain way.
Type Words
Type of impairment, deterioration

the tires showed uneven wear.