Dutch language

How to pronounce walk in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms walking
Type of locomotion, travel
Has types noctambulism, march, marching, noctambulation, plod, plodding, prowl, shamble, shambling, shuffle, shuffling, sleepwalking, somnambulation, somnambulism, wading, ambulation, gait

walking is a healthy form of exercise.
Type Words
Synonyms walk of life
Type of calling, career, vocation

it happens in all walks of life.
Type Words
Synonyms take the air
Type of move, locomote, go, travel
Has types constitutionalize

The lovers held hands while walking.
We like to walk every Sunday.
Type Words
Synonyms manner of walking
Type of posture, bearing, carriage

he had a funny walk.
Type Words
Synonyms base on balls, pass
Type of achievement, accomplishment
Type Words
Synonyms paseo, walkway
Type of path
Has types sidewalk, skywalk, flagging, ambulatory, catwalk, pavement, promenade, mall, boardwalk

after the blizzard he shoveled the front walk.
Type Words
Type of accompany
Has types trot, march

I'll walk you to your car.
Type Words
Type of gait
Type Words
Type of consociate, associate

We must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters.
Type Words
Type of play
Type Words
Type of comport, behave

walk in sadness.
Type Words
Type of oblige, obligate, compel
Has types march, exhibit, parade

He walks the horse up the mountain.
Type Words
Type of tally, score, hit, rack up
Type Words
Type of travelling, traveling, travel
Has types foot, walkabout, walk-through, turn, moonwalk, tramp, stroll, hiking, amble, saunter, last mile, promenade, perambulation, hike, constitutional

he took a walk after lunch.
Type Words
Type of traverse, cut across, cut through, cover, track, get across, get over, pass over, cross
Derivation walker

Paul walked the streets of Damascus.
She walks 3 miles every day.
Type Words
Type of go, locomote, travel, move
Has types walk around, amble, ambulate, bumble, careen, clomp, clump, cock, coggle, creep, dodder, falter, flounce, flounder, foot, footslog, gimp, hike, hitch, hobble, hoof, hoof it, keel, leg it, limp, lollop, lumber, lurch, march, mince, mosey, mouse, pace, pad, paddle, perambulate, plod, pound, prance, process, promenade, prowl, pussyfoot, reel, ruffle, sashay, saunter, scuffle, shamble, shlep, shuffle, skulk, sleepwalk, slink, slog, slouch, sneak, somnambulate, spacewalk, stagger, stalk, stamp, step, stomp, stride, stroll, strut, stumble, stump, swag, swagger, tap, tip, tippytoe, tiptoe, tittup, toddle, toe, totter, traipse, tramp, tramp down, trample, tread, tread down, trudge, waddle, wade, walk about
Verb group take the air
Derivation walking, walker

We walked instead of driving.
She walks with a slight limp.
The patient cannot walk yet.
Type Words
Type of pace

The horses walked across the meadow.