Dutch language

How to pronounce voice in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms phonation, vocalisation, vocalism, vocalization, vox
Type of communication
Has types singing voice, voice over, sprechgesang, sprechstimme

a singer takes good care of his voice.
Type Words
Synonyms part
Type of melodic phrase, air, line, melodic line, melody, strain, tune
Has types accompaniment, bass part, voice part, musical accompaniment, support, backup, bass, secondo, primo
Type Words
Synonyms interpreter, representative, spokesperson
Type of advocator, advocate, proponent, exponent
Has types spokesman, ambassador, roadman, bagman, flak, travelling salesman, commercial traveler, commercial traveller, mouthpiece, mouth, flak catcher, spokeswoman, flack, flack catcher, traveling salesman
Type Words
Synonyms articulation
Type of expression, verbalism, verbal expression

I gave voice to my feelings.
Type Words
Synonyms sound, vocalise, vocalize
Type of enounce, articulate, enunciate, pronounce, say, sound out
Has types quaver, waver, chirk
Type Words
Type of agency, way, means

the voice of the law.
the Times is not the voice of New York.
conservatism has many voices.
Type Words
Type of sound

the noisy voice of the waterfall.
the incessant voices of the artillery.
Type Words
Type of express, utter, verbalize, give tongue to, verbalise
Derivation voicer

He voiced his concern.
Type Words
Type of grammatical relation
Has types active, active voice, passive, passive voice
Type Words
Type of vocaliser, vocalizer, vocalist, singer

he wanted to hear trained voices sing it.
Type Words
Type of communication

the wee small voice of conscience.
the voice of experience.
he said his voices told him to do it.
Type Words
Type of physical ability
Has types lung-power

he lost his voice.
Type Words
Type of sound
Has types androglossia

A shrill voice sounded behind us.