Dutch language

How to pronounce upset in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms overturned, upturned

the upset pitcher of milk.
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Synonyms disquieted, distressed, disturbed, worried

too upset to say anything.
Type Words
Synonyms overturn, turnover
Type of inversion, upending

he was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed.
Type Words
Synonyms disorder
Type of physical condition, physiological condition, physiological state
Has types acute brain disorder, acute organic brain syndrome, adenosis, ailment, bladder disorder, cardiovascular disease, celiac disease, cheilosis, choking, cholestasis, colpoxerosis, complaint, defect of speech, degenerative disorder, disturbance, dysaphia, dysosmia, dysphagia, dysuria, eating disorder, failure, fantods, folie, functional disorder, gland disease, glandular disease, glandular disorder, haematocolpometra, haematocolpos, hematocolpometra, hematocolpos, hydrocele, hyperactivity, idiopathic disease, idiopathic disorder, idiopathy, ill, immunological disorder, abocclusion, impaction, tropical sprue, learning disability, learning disorder, malocclusion, mental disorder, mental disturbance, metabolic disorder, nervous disorder, neurological disease, neurological disorder, olfactory impairment, organic disorder, parosamia, perleche, psilosis, psychological disorder, sleep disorder, speech defect, speech disorder, sprue, strangulation, impacted tooth, abruptio placentae, achlorhydria, acholia, achylia, achylia gastrica

everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time.
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Synonyms derangement, overthrow
Type of disturbance

his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset.
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Synonyms swage
Type of mould, forge, mold, shape, work, form
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Synonyms swage
Type of tool
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Synonyms bowl over, knock over, overturn, tip over, tump over, turn over
Type of displace, move
Verb group tump over, tip over, turn over, overturn
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Synonyms broken, confused, disordered

with everything so upset.
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Synonyms overturn
Type of success

the biggest upset since David beat Goliath.
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Synonyms disturb, trouble
Type of move, strike, affect, impress
Has types jolt, agitate, cark, charge, charge up, commove, disorder, disquiet, distract, distress, excite, perturb, rouse, trouble, turn on, unhinge

This book upset me.
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Synonyms disturbance, perturbation
Type of agitation

she didn't realize the upset she caused me.
Type Words
Synonyms discomfit, discompose, disconcert, untune
Type of enkindle, provoke, evoke, fire, elicit, kindle, raise, arouse
Has types unsettle, anguish, faze, inhibit, hurt, afflict, pain, throw, discombobulate, unnerve, dissolve, bemuse, bewilder, embarrass, enervate, abash
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Type of get the better of, overcome, defeat
Derivation upsetter

The foreign team upset the local team.
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Type of disturb, touch

The hostile talks upset the peaceful relations between the two countries.
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an upset stomach.
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the Bills' upset victory over the Houston Oilers.