Dutch language

How to pronounce tune in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms tune up
Type of adjust, set, correct
Derivation tuner, tuning

My piano needs to be tuned.
Type Words
Synonyms tune up
Type of set, correct, adjust
Has types service, fine-tune, tweak, tune in
Derivation tuning

tune the engine.
Type Words
Synonyms air, line, melodic line, melodic phrase, melody, strain
Type of music
Has types signature tune, theme, theme song, tucket, voice, signature, fanfare, flourish, glissando, idea, leitmotif, leitmotiv, melodic theme, musical theme, part, roulade
Type Words
Type of adjustment, modification, alteration
Type Words
Type of pitch

he cannot sing in tune.
the clarinet was out of tune.