Dutch language

How to pronounce trick in Dutch?

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Type Words
Synonyms conjuration, conjuring trick, deception, illusion, legerdemain, magic, magic trick, thaumaturgy
Type of performance
Has types card trick, prestidigitation, sleight of hand
Type Words
Synonyms fast one
Type of gimmick, device, twist
Has types shtick, schtik, schtick, shtik
Derivation trickster, tricksy, tricky

he played a trick on me.
Type Words
Synonyms flim-flam, fob, fox, play a joke on, play a trick on, play tricks, pull a fast one on
Type of cozen, deceive, delude, lead on
Has types snooker
Derivation trickery, tricker

We tricked the teacher into thinking that class would be cancelled next week.
Type Words
Synonyms antic, caper, joke, prank, put-on
Type of recreation, diversion
Has types practical joke, dirty trick
Derivation trickster
Type Words
Synonyms john, whoremaster, whoremonger
Type of client, customer
Type Words
Type of knavery, dishonesty
Derivation trickster

that offer was a dirty trick.
Type Words
Type of duty period, work shift, shift
Type Words
Type of turn, play